SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Silk String Pictures

Genre : Production, Associate production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Carina Rosanna TAUTU, productrice
CA 90070 Silver Lake, Los Angeles
United States
Contact by email

Fun Facts:
The silk string was chosen to hold pearl beads together for hundreds of years because its durability. The spider silk thread is the most durable of them all. In Romania, an old fairy tale associates putting pearls on a string with telling a story for each bead added. In Native American folklore, I learned that the Spider Woman is weaving the world.

I put these stories together, and Silk String Pictures was born.


Carina Rosanna Tăutu

Carina earned a MFA in Directing from Columbia University in New York, and MSc in Neurobiology from University of Bucharest, was trained in the Romanian National Film School UNATC for film directing. In 2019 she earned a Master in Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine Caruso Law School/Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution.

Combining her passion for documentary films and peacemaking/dispute resolution, Carina is currently the host and producer of Mediator's Talk, a web series produced in collaboration with Beverly Hills Bar Association (BHBA) in Los Angeles and featuring top mediators in US and abroad.
You can watch the series on the Media section of her EQ For High IQ site:

Carina is a former member of the Romanian National Figure Skating team. She skated with Columbia University Synchronized Skating Team at the National Collegiate Championship during her MFA studies in New York.

She practices Ashtanga yoga, contemplative arts, and her latest passion is Argentine Tango.
Currently, she lives in Los Angeles, California with her black cat Cloud,
adopted during the 2020 pandemic.


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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