SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Hero: Ololosokuan III

Genre : Performance | Nairobi

Friday 17 october 2014

Times : 00:00
Contact details : GOETHE INSTITUT
Tel. : +254 (0) 20 222 4640
Principal country concerned : Column : Poetry / story telling

Checkmate Mido interacted with various Maasai elders in Ololosokuan, Ngong' and collected these stories. And together with Ogutu Muraya and the band Yellow Light Machine he created the performance HERO: Ololosokuan in 2013 and HERO: Ololosokuan II in 2014. Ololosokuan is a unique performance sequel that will inspire and make you wonder just how significant is a simple thing like a name.

Information / Venue

Time:6.30 pm
Admission: Ksh.500

Maendeleo House - Monrovia Street
Nairobi ( -- )


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of