SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Africa Shafted

  • Africa Shafted
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title : Africa Shafted: Under one roof
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 55 (in minutes)

A timeless, universal documentary filmed entirely in the lift of Africa's tallest apartment: 56 floors and 4400 people.

Located in Johannesburg, Ponte, the tallest residential building in Africa, houses more than 4000 people, many of them refugees and migrants who have travelled from every corner of the continent in pursuit of a better life. AFRICA SHAFTED: UNDER ONE ROOF poignantly captures the opinions of these ordinary, diverse individuals, humanising them and affording an honest glimpse into the tragic reality of xenophobia.

South Africa 2011, English, DVD PAL, 55 min

Producer, director, camera operator and editor: Ingrid Martens
Production manager: Bronwyn Nesbitt
Assistant director: Mandla Mlambo
On-line editor: Stephen Abbott
Final mix editor: Brett Barnes
Website creator and designer: Chevon Erasmus Porter

Print Source:
I'M Original Productions
E-mail: imoproductions(@)gmail.com

The Building

In Johannesburg, South Africa, it is its landmark and Africa's tallest residential building. Built in 1976 for white people only. Today it's feared, as it's now home to Africa. Almost 4000 people lived in Ponte when the filming started in 2006.
Eight lifts, fifty four floors, four hundred flats and four thousand people.

Quotes from residents:

"This is actually the organisation of African unity building."

"It's the only place, that they accommodate foreigners without having problems. You understand?"

A very big thank you goes to the musicians, music companies and the various individuals that assisted to make it possible to use the amazing music in the film. They have added their voice to this important film that brings out the beautiful humanity of Africa and people living as refugees and migrant workers across the globe.
(in order of appearance in the film)

"isizathu" performed by Bongeziwe Mabandla
b o n g e z i w e m a b a n d l a / 3 4 0 m l m u s i c
www.bongeziwemabandla.co.za & www.340mlmusic.com
(south africa)

"africa" performed by Jackson Kaujeua
j a c k s o n k a u j e u a / n a s c a m

"mainte" performed by 3MA
3 m a / c o n t r e - j o u r
www.project3MA.com & www.contrejour.com
(madagascar, mali and morocco/belgium)

"shosholoza"performed by SACATESCO
s o u t h a f r i c a n c a t h o l i c t e e n a g e r s f r o m s o w e t o / d r a l a n p e t e r
(south africa)

"télo dé" (believe him) performed by Dobet Gnahoré
d o b e t g n a h o r é / c o n t r e - j o u r (ivory coast/belgium)
www.dobetgnahore.com & www.contrejour.com

"kouroukanfouga" performed by 3MA
3 m a / c o n t r e - j o u r
www.project3MA.com & www.contrejour.com
(madagascar, mali and morocco/belgium)

"alleluia"performed by SACATESCO
s o u t h a f r i c a n c a t h o l i c t e e n a g e r s f r o m s o w e t o / d r a l a n p e t e r
(south africa)

"baby please" performed by Mapumba
m a p u m b a / m a g i c h u t m u s i c
(drc/south africa)

"mayibongwe inkosi" performed by SACATESCO
s o u t h a f r i c a n c a t h o l i c t e e n a g e r s f r o m s o w e t o / d r a l a n p e t e r
(south africa)

"sema" performed by Mapumba
m a p u m b a / m a g i c h u t m u s i c
(drc/south africa)

"paela" (believe him) performed by Dobet Gnahoré
d o b e t g n a h o r é / c o n t r e - j o u r
www.dobetgnahore.com & www.contrejour.com
(ivory coast/belgium)

"not alone" performed by Samite Mulondo
s a m i t e / s a m i t e m u s i c

"hima" performed by Nawal Mlanao
n a w a l / p u t u m a y o
www.nawal.com & www.putumayo.com

"hamba nam" performed by Bongeziwe Mabandla
b o n g e z i w e m a b a n d l a / 3 4 0 m l m u s i c
www.bongeziwemabandla.co.za & www.340mlmusic.com
(south africa)

"loubou" performed by Dobet Gnahoré
d o b e t g n a h o r é / c o n t r e - j o u r (ivory coast/belgium)
www.dobetgnahore.com & www.contrejour.com
(ivory coast/belgium)

"c'est la vie" performed by Mapumba
m a p u m b a / m a g i c h u t m u s i c
(drc/south africa)

"olungendo" performed by Samite Mulondo
s a m i t e / s a m i t e m u s i c

"isizathu" performed by Bongeziwe Mabandla
b o n g e z i w e m a b a n d l a / 3 4 0 m l m u s i c
www.bongeziwemabandla.co.za & www.340mlmusic.com
(south africa)

"africa" performed by Jackson Kaujeua
j a c k s o n k a u j e u a / n a s c a m

"c'est la vie" performed by Mapumba
m a p u m b a / m a g i c h u t m u s i c
(drc/south africa)


New York African Film Festival,

Africa in Motion in Edinburgh

African World Documentary Festival

Tri Continental Film Festival

2012 | Cinema Planeta Film Festival, Mexico
Festival Internacional de Cine y Medio Ambiente de México se llevó a cabo del 17 al 22 de abril en la cuidad de Cuernavaca, Morelos y en la Cineteca Nacional del 2 al 6 de mayo.
* Jury Award for the MOST ORIGINAL TREATMENT (Premio del Jurado al tratamiento mas original)

2011 | 32nd Durban International Film Festival
* Selection
Filmmaker in attendance



Un retrato único de la Sudáfrica de la actualidad, filmado durante cuatro años en los elevadores del edificio Ponte en Johannesburgo. Este edificio construido en 1976 narra la historia de la ciudad así como la de Sudáfrica.

Documental / Sudáfrica / 2011 / 55 min. / Color /

Dirección, producción, fotografía, edición: Ingrid Martens


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of