Set against the backdrop of Apartheid in Namibia during the 1980s, ‘Dead River' follows the unlikely friendship between a black boy and a white girl. David, son of a farm worker, and Lisa, daughter of the farmer, meet through the melodies she plays on her flute while at her mother's grave and he starts whistling along to. Lisa's father, the disgruntled widower Adolf von Dornstedt, outlaws the friendship and sends his daughter to the hostel. Years later, yet before the end of Apartheid, Lisa returns to the farm as a young woman and meets David again. The bond is as strong as ever. Hoping to help him in these troubled times, she hands him one of her father's guns. Events take a turn for the worse and Lisa sees no other option than to flee the country. 20 years later Lisa returns. She is here to face her past and to visit the graves at Dead River.
A film by Tim Huebschle, 2012, Namibia, 34 min, short, fiction
CAST Lisa von Dornstedt: Christin Meinecke-Mareka Adolf von Dornstedt: Jens Schneider David (Teen): Erven Katiti David: David Ndjavera Young Lisa: Jade Coury Young David: Shaquille Shikwambi Evelyne Matthews: Esi Chase Sofie: Nadine Baas David (Lisa's Son): Benjamin Coury Lisa's Ex-Husband: Christian Mahnke
CREW Director: Tim Huebschle Producer: Marinda Stein Executive Producer: Cecil Moller Screenplay: Tim Huebschle (based on a story by Rolf Ackermann) Director of Photography: Frederik Füssel Editor: Haiko Boldt Production Designer: Stephan Eins Music Composer: Alessandro Alessandroni Sound Design, Sound Edit, Sound Recording: David Benadé Casting: Tim Huebschle & Marinda Stein 1st Camera Assistant: Renier de Bruyn Wardrobe: Ina-Maria Shikongo Unit Manager: Gerson Gawanab Assistant Director: Nealen Jacobs Make-Up: Beverly Kulan Ganes Art Department Assistant: Gina Figueira Visual FX: Christof van Niekerk Grips: Benito Xoagub Lighting: Jaco Strauss Crane Operator: Bernd Curschmann Production Driver: Tommy Kayele Stills Photographer: Haiko Boldt
Production Country: Namibia Running Time: 33 min 50 sec
Production Company: Collective Productions Funding of Production: Namibia Film Commission Shooting Format: HD (1920x1080, 25p) Audio Format: 48 Khz, 16-bit, Stereo Exhibition Formats: MOV (Apple Pro Res 422), MP4, DVD, DVCAM, HDV (1440x1080, 50i); optional: DigiBeta, HDCAM
CONTACT Christian Mahnke Cell : +264 855630949, Email: africavenir.whk(at)
Ambientato durante l'apartheid in Namibia, Dead River segue l'amicizia improbabile del figlio di un lavoratore agricolo e la figlia del contadino. David e Lisa si incontrano attraverso le melodie che suona flauto di lei e lui fischietta. Il padre di lei non vuole l'amicizia e la manda via. Prima della fine dell'Apartheid, Lisa torna alla fattoria come una giovane donna e incontra di nuovo David. Gli eventi prendono una brutta piega e Lisa non vede altra scelta che fuggire dal paese. Molti anni dopo, Lisa ritorna. Lei è qui per affrontare il suo passato e per visitare le tombe a Dead River.
di Tim Huebschle
Nazionalità: Windhoek (Namibia)
Produzione: Collective Productions
Generi: drammatico sentimentale storico
Temi: bambini, politica, storia e tradizioni, guerra, amicizia, africa
Età Regista: 35 (Giugno 2013) Numero Opere Dirette Regista: 10+
2013 | IX Edizione - Festival Pontino del Cortometraggio | LATINA, Italia - 18-23 Giugno 2013 * won: Audience Choice Award for Best International Short Film (MIGLIOR CORTO DAL PUBBLICO INTERNAZIONALE) * Sezione cortoAfrica * Giorno di Proiezione al FPDC: Venerdì 21 Giugno 2013
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