SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Une journée ordinaire

  • Une journée ordinaire
Type : Fiction
Original title : Youm aadi [Titre arabe]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Short
Running time : 22 (in minutes)

Salima has invited three girl friends over to the family apartment. Simultaneously, on the terrace of the same building, three young men are working on a broken parabolic antenna. We are in Algiers, on May 10th, 2012, on the day of a decisive legislative election.

A film by Bahia Allouache

Algeria / 2012 / Fiction / 22'00 / DCP

starring Amina Tighat, Meriem Zobiri, Kamel Ait-Sadi, Wassila Bendaoud, Nadia Sahnoune, Akram Djeghim, Abdelhamid Dameche

Bahia Allouache

Bahia Allouache

Hocine Hadjali

Sound designer
Ali Mahfiche

Pre-existing music
Nitin Sawhney

Lucile Sautarel

Sound Editing
Agnès Ravez, Antoine Baudoin

Sound Mixing
Julien Pérez

Amina Tighat, Meriem Zobiri, Kamel Ait-Sadi, Wassila Bendaoud, Nadia Sahnoune, Akram Djeghim, Abdelhamid Dameche


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of