SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Without words

  • Sans paroles
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1977
Format : Short
Running time : 10 (in minutes)

"Without words": a story that repeats itself every day, that of a young teenager tired of his entourage and his environment, which lasts only the space of a day full of discoveries and reflections.

A film by Hakim NOURY

Morocco, 1977, fiction, 10 min, Color, 35 mm

First (short) film by Hakim NOURY

Original Title : SANS PAROLES

Année / Year : 1977
Durée / Duration : 10 min
Format / Format : 35 mm (from 35 mm)
Couleur / Color : Color
Pays / Country : Morocco

Production / Production
Hakim Noury

Réalisateur / Director

Scénario / Script
Hakim Noury

Images / Cinematography
Abdelkrim Derkaoui

Montage / Editing
Hakim Noury

Source :

Festivals / Awards / Prix

1° National Film Festival (Rabat, Morocco, 1982)
- Best Pictures Award |Prix de la meilleure image], to Abdelkrim Derkaoui


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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