SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Egypt is the Guest of Honor at a newly launched Sudanese Film Festival this week

Genre : Communiqués
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : 2014
Published on : 22/01/2014
Source : Communiqué de presse / Press Release
Contact by email

The organizers of Sudan Independent Film Festival (SIFF) announced the launch of its inaugural edition on the 21st of January, 2014 in Khartoum. Presided by Talal Afifi, SIFF has also confirmed Egypt as Guest of Honor of the first edition for its substantial role in the film industry of the African continent. SIFF also confirmed scriptwriter Sayed Fouad, President of Luxor African Film Festival (LAFF) as honorary guest the first edition. "I am extremely happy because of the launching of SIFF for the importance of such activities in the development of cinema and the communion between African people", said Fouad. From his side, Afifi revealed the selection of African films coming from Egypt, Kenya and Ethiopia in addition to the presence of African filmmakers from all over the continent. "Film workshops and lectures will also be organized on the sidelines of the festival including a workshop by Fouad" added Afifi who dedicated the edition to the memory of renowned Sudanese filmmaker Hussein Sharif.

Finally, Mohamed Hanafi, SIFF's administrator said that the criteria for selecting the films were their originality, creativity and independence outside the authority of the big studios and the dictates of capital funds.

Sayed Fouad will travel from Egypt to Sudan today to attend the different activities and tutor the scriptwriting workshop for young Sudanese filmmakers.


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