SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Offre d'emplois de l'"ARTerial Network"

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details Belisa Rodrigues
Principal country concerned : Column : Intercultural/migrations
Release/publication date : October 2010
Published on : 26/10/2010
Contact by email

1. French/English Translator and Project Manager

This post requires a full-time, highly competent translator to translate documents and information from English to French and French to English. The ideal incumbent will have excellent writing skills in both languages, work relatively fast, have some experience as a translator, with an interest in the arts. S/he should also have some project management skills and experience.

2. Communications and marketing officer

This post requires a full-time, energetic and creative person to promote and look after the Arterial Network brand, and manage all aspects of its profile and communication vehicles including its websites, newsletters, publications, social media (Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, etc). S/he will also be responsible for communication with members (ensuring translations where necessary) and other stakeholders.

3. Project Manager: Sustainability

Integral to building sustainability of the African creative sector, is developing support on the African continent itself. Arterial Network has identified the need to establish an African Fund for Arts and Culture and to develop the private sector as a key ally in achieving growth and sustainability of the African creative sector.

We require the services of a self-motivated, highly skilled project manager/consultant, preferably with experience in both the arts and business sectors to drive our sustainability strategies i.e. the African Fund for Arts and Culture, the business sponsors of the arts network, etc.. S/he should be able to travel extensively.

Interested applicants for these posts should sens
> a letter of application indicating the post being applied for and a motivation as her/his suitability for this post
> a curriculum vitae emphasising relevant skills, experience and training
> an indication of membership of, and/or outline of relevant experience of Arterial Network
> at least two letters of reference in support of the application

These should be sent to Belisa Rodrigues at belisa@arterialnetwork.org by 12 November 2010.


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of