Traduction (français > anglais)
Actor. Moussa Keita
Date of birth: 1969
Psychologist training
Component responsible culture intertvida Mali 2004-2008
President Association for Solidarity Tourism (Aput)
Association secretary general tradition sharing and development (PATRADEC)
Works: Proposal to UNESCO Marrionnette file
Cordiner River Music (UNESCO Niger Loire)
Study of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the circle and Macina Ségoun Barouéli
Storyteller Festival on the Niger
Work in progress:
Studies peoples of the water (in progress)
The tale of Falan
Large the "Legend of the region of Segou
Numérrisation transcription and stories of the narrators griots.
Vaur the best cry when born (a play on the conditions of the child)
The Batarocratie (a play on''unloved children of both families (and maternal paternalle)
Vsite historic site
Foot ball
Biography supplied by the person concerned