SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Ajami
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Feature
Running time : 120 (in minutes)

This impressive film tells the every-day stories written by the Palestinian Scandar Copti and the Israeli Yaron Shani. It shows us the stories of five estranged brothers caught "between two stools". It's about Jews and Arabs, Christians and Muslims, who live in Ajami, an area in Jaffa, near Tel Aviv. Malek, who works in Israel illegally to pay for his mother's hospital bills, belongs to "Ajami" just as much as the Jewish policeman Dando, who is looking for his brother, and the wealthy Palestinian Binj, who is dreaming of a happy life with his Jewish girlfriend. These different realities meet in the close community of Ajami, which can be seen to symbolise the critical situation in the Middle East. Though the protagonists may oppose each other, in the end this film is an offer of reconciliation at a time, when no one expects it anymore. This makes this movie special. All roles are played by lay-actors from Jaffa and Tel Aviv.
This is an honest, intense and very authentic film. An opinion shared by the jurors at the Jerusalem Film Festival, where this film won first prize. "Ajami" also won five awards at the Ophir Awards, the Israeli movie awards: Best Movie, Best Direction, Best Editing, and Best Original Score. And recently it was nominated for the 82nd Academy Awards.

Language: Arabic and Hebrew with German subtitles

Scandar Copti / Yaron Shani, Israel / Germany 2009, 120 min.

Screenplay: Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
Cast: Shahir Kabaha, Ibrahim Frege, Fouad Habash, Youssef Sahwani, Ranin Karim
Photography: Boaz Yehonatan Yacov
Editor: Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
Music: Rabiah Buchari
Production: Inosan Productions, Twenty Twenty Vision Filmproduktion GmbH, Vertigo Films; Mosh Danon, Thanassis Karathanos


In Ajami, een kosmopolitische wijk van de Israëlische stad Jaffa wonen Joden, Moslims en Christenen samen.
De dertienjarige Nasri en zijn grote broer Omar voelen zich niet meer veilig sinds hun oom een belangrijk lid van een andere clan heeft beschoten. Malek, een Palestijnse vluchteling, werkt illegaal in Israël om de operatie van zijn moeder te kunnen betalen. Binj, een Palestijn, droomt van een gelukkig leven met zijn vriendin, die Christen is. En Dando, een Joodse politieman, is wanhopig op zoek naar zijn jongere broer die verdwenen is…
Wanneer hun paden elkaar kruisen, raken hun levens onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden.

Een film van Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
Met Shahir Kabaha, Ibrahim Frege, Fouad Habash, Youssef Sahwani, Ranin Karim

Land : Israël
Jaar : 2009
Duur : 120 min.
Formaat : 35mm
Kader : 1.85


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  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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