Man Who Sold His Skin (The)

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2020
Format : Feature
Running time : 104 (in minutes)

The journey of Sam Ali, a Syrian man who fled to Lebanon to escape the Syrian war, hoping to eventually join his lover in Paris.

A film by Kaouther BEN HANIA

Tunisia / France, 2020, fiction, 1h44

starring Monica Bellucci, Yahya Mahayni, Koen De Bouw, Rupert Wynne-James, Dea Liane, Husam Chadat, Saad Lostan, Montassar Alaya, Wim Delvoye, Nadim Cheikhrouha, Najoua Zouhair,

Runtime: 1 hr 44 min (104 min)
Color: Color
Camera: Hawk class-X Anamorphic Lenses
Director: Kaouther Ben Hania
screenplay: Kaouther Ben Hania
Cinematography by: Christopher Aoun
Music: Amine Bouhafa
Producers: Martin Hampel, Thanassis Karathanos, Annabella Nezri, Andreas Rocksén
Executive producer: Habib Attia, Nadim Cheikhrouha
Associate producer: Simon Ofenloch, Guillaume Rambourg

Production: Tanit Films, Twenty Twenty Vision, Kwassa Films, Laika Films, Cinétéléfilms (TN)

Produced by
Habib Attia... executive producer
Nadim Cheikhrouha... executive producer
Martin Hampel... producer
William Johansson... assistant producer
Thanassis Karathanos... producer
Philippe Logie... associate producer
Anthony Muir... co-producer
Annabella Nezri... producer
Simon Ofenloch... associate producer
Guillaume Rambourg... associate producer
Andreas Rocksén... producer

Music by Amin Bouhafa
Cinematography by Christopher Aoun
Khaled Walid Barsaoui... production manager
Jacques Reboud... production manager
Azza Baaziz... assistant director
Marie Fischer... first assistant director
Maxime Mudjeredian... third assistant director
Julien Defasque... carpenter
Anders Billing... sound designer / sound mixer
Fredrik Fridlund... boom operator
Dmytro Kniazhechenko... Foley editor
Illia Popel... Foley editor
Victor Shcheglov... foley artist
Henry Uhl... mixing assistant
Lionel Vinck... additional boom operator: belgium
Jean-Michel Boublil... visual effects supervisor
Alice Rathert... visual effects producer
Camera and Electrical Department
Haykal Bouhamed... grip
Gabrielle Delle... Digital Imaging Technician
Arno Polvent... video assist
Nestor Salazar... Steadicam operator
Dirk Meier... colorist
Samuel Henry... location manager
Jean-Pierre Arquié... score producer
Léo Vincent... Composer assistant / music editor
Emeline Bizri... Unit PA
Céline Rossignol... production assistant

Konstantin Bock... special thanks

Monica Bellucci... Soraya Waldy
Koen De Bouw... Jeffrey Godefroi
Rupert Wynne-James... Martin Commisaire d'exposition
Yahya Mahayni... Sam Ali
Marc de Panda... Marc Sheen
Husam Chadat... Adel Saadi
Dea Liane... Abeer
Najoua Zouhair
Montassar Alaya
Nadim Cheikhrouha
Adrienne Mei Irving
Adrienne Mei Irving... Journalist
Saad Lostan
Stacy DeVorzon... Femme Waltz
Wim Delvoye... The insurance man
Jan Dahdoh

Production : Cinétéléfilms (TN), Tanit Films (FR), Twenty Twenty Vision, Kwassa Films, Laika Films

Production Companies
Tanit Films (FR),
Cinetelefilms (TN)

Co-production Companies
Kwassa Films (BE),
Laika Films (SE),
Twenty Twenty Vision (DE)

In association with
Film i Väst
Guillaume Rambourg, Lassaad & Rafik Kilani,

In coproduction with
METAFORA MEDIA PRODUCTION, SUNNYLAND FILM as member of A.R.T GROUP, Film i Väst, VOO et Be Tv, Istiqlal Films

With the support of

En partenariat avec
le CNC, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Ministère des affaires culturelles - CNCI - Tunisie, Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge via Belga Films Fund, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée - France, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image CNCI - Tunisie - Aide à la coproduction franco-tunisienne, The Swedish Film Institute, FONDS IMAGE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE, la Sacem

International Sales
Bac Films International

Bac Films Distribution (2021) (France) (theatrical)
Bir Film (2021) (Turkey) (all media)
Hakka Distribution (2020) (Tunisia) (theatrical)
Cinéart (Belgium) (theatrical)

Best Actor Award (to Yahya Mahayni), at Mostra de Venise 2020 (section Orizzonti),
"Edipo Re for inclusion" Award (Università degli Studi di Padova e ResInt Rete dell'Economia Sociale Internazionale), at Mostra de Venise 2020
Nominee: Venice Horizons Award (Best Film), at Mostra de Venise 2020
Public Award and Young Jury Award at Festival Arte Mare 2020
Best Arab Film (Feature Narrative Competition), at El Gouna Film Festival 2020
Nominee: Golden Star (Feature Narrative Competition), at El Gouna Film Festival 2020
Best Screenplay (to Kaouther Ben Hania), at Stockholm Film Festival 2020
Nominee: Bronze Horse (Best Film), at Stockholm Film Festival 2020

Mostra de Venise 2020 (section Orizzonti),
Cinemed Montpellier 2020,
El Gouna Film Festival 2020,
Festival du film d'Ostende 2020,
Festival Arte Mare 2020

Summary for official catalogues

Sam Ali est un syrien qui s'est enfui au Liban afin d'échapper à la guerre qui ravage son pays et dans l'espoir de rejoindre son amoureux à Paris. Coincé au Liban sans aucun document officiel, Sam commence à travailler dans des galeries d'art de Beyrouth. Il va rencontrer un célèbre artiste américain qui transforme Sam en une œuvre d'art en tatouant un visa sur son dos.


5 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of