SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Clémentine Dusabejambo

  • Clémentine Dusabejambo
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Rwandan female scriptwriter and Film director

Born in Kigali (Rwanda), in 1987, Marie-Clementine DUSABEJAMBO is a female scriptwriter and Film director. "LYIZA" (2012) is her first short movie. Her third short film "A Place for Myself" (2016) World Premiered at Zanzibar FilmFest and won there 3 Awards. Both "LYIZA" and "A Place for Myself" won a Tanit bronze in Carthage Film Festival, in 2012 and 2016. Her fourth short film "Icyasha / Étiquette" (2018) won the
Golden Zébu for Panafrican Short (Zébu d'or panafricain fiction), at Rencontres du Film Court in Madagascar - RFC 2019.
Based is Kigali (Rwanda), she is an Engineer in electronics and telecommunication by training.

Source :
JCC 2012 - www.jccarthage.com/eng/films-co_detail.php?id_film=54
JCC 2016 - http://jcctunisie.org/eng/films-detail-real.php?id_film=33
Updated by Thierno I. Dia, on 7 May 2019.



ولدت ماري كليمنتين دوزابيجمبو في كيغالي برواندا وهي مهندسة في الاكترونيك والاتصالات. ويعدّ"لييزا" شريطها الأوّل

ماري كلامونتين دوزادجامبو (Marie-Clémentine DUSAJAMBO)مؤلفة ومخرجة، تحصلت على شهادة مهندسة في الالكترونيات والاتصالات في جامعة رواندا. "مكان لي" (A place for my self) هو ثالث فيلم قصير لها

Sources :
JCC 2012 - www.jccarthage.com/ar/films-co_detail.php?id_film=54
JCC 2016 - http://jcctunisie.org/ar/films-detail-real.php?id_film=33


8 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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