SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Jean-Hérard Céleur

Jean-Hérard Céleur
Sculptor / carver
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts

Jean Hérard Celeur was trained as a sculptor by his brother. At first he was involved in more traditional sculpture but gradually his work became more subjective. His most powerful piece to date is in the permanent collection of the Frost Art Museum. The work evokes the horsemen of the Apocalypse, three skulls crown three skeletal equine contraptions made from motor-bike chassis', the central figure thrusting a massive thick wooden carved phallus. The piece is bristling with menace, anger and a dark sexuality evoking the triple tragedies of AIDS, political oppression and poverty. ‘My work has social aspects, intellectual aspects and represents the people's demands for change. I live in the reality that deals with poverty everyday which informs my work all the time.'


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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