SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sandra Federici

Sandra Federici
Journalist, Publication director
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts, Media, Intercultural/migrations

Sandra Federici is a journalist, who has held the position of Director of the "Africa e Mediterraneo" Journal since 1999. This journal contains articles on African artistic expression in all its forms, including literature, theatre, dance, comics and visual art. It also analyzes the phenomenon of European immigration from a cultural point of view.
Sandra Federici has experience in coordinating European projects in partnership with European organizations. Examples of such projects include providing development education, projects carrying out European research, and the development of best practice databases based on projects on intercultural dialogue in Europe ("Glocal Youth" project and "Interculture Map" project). She also coordinates communication projects on intercultural principles and values such as "Manifesta! Vignettes and Illustrations" and "Common Values". She has also held the post of Artistic Coordinator of "The ACP-EU Courier" since 2007. She has managed the "Africa Comics" project since 2002.


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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