SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Yves Montand Niyongabo

Yves Montand Niyongabo
© Courtesy of IFFR 2010, Rotterdam
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

He was born in Burundi where he spent his childhood and adolescence. After having moved to Rwanda, he studied Art and Literature and started to study Law, but then dropped out. In 2006 he took part in a workshop held by Lee Isaac Chung, the director of Munyurangabo, and worked as the production coordinator of the film, which was selected for Cannes, Toronto and Milan. His short film, Maibobo (2010), was presented at the Festivals of Goteborg and Rotterdam as part of the "Where is Africa?" project.

2010 - Maibobo, cm
2008 - Rwanda we!, cm



Nasce in Burundi dove trascorre l'infanzia e l'adolescenza. Dopo essersi trasferito in Ruanda, studia Arte e Letteratura e s'iscrive a Giurisprudenza, che poi abbandona. Nel 2006 partecipa a un workshop di Lee Isaac Chung, regista di Munyurangabo, e lavora come coordinatore di produzione per il film, che viene selezionato a Cannes, Toronto e Milano. Il suo cortometraggio, Maibobo, viene presentato ai festival di Goteborg e Rotterdam nel quadro del progetto "Where is Africa?".

2008 - Rwanda we!, cm
2010 - Maibobo, cm



1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of