SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nouveau solo de Germaine Acogny "SONGOOK YAAKAAR"

Genre : Performance | Rovereto, Lyon, Bruxelles, Aix en Provence

From friday 10 september to monday 15 november 2010

Times : 00:00
Column : Music, Dance

With Songook Yaakaar, Germaine Acogny, offers us a word on Africa, its splendour and its failures, without violence, but courageous. In this solo, danced, spoken, full of commitment and universal, she proves that she remains an adventuress ready to take risks.

"For a very long time I have been wondering how best to talk back to those who speak about Africa without knowing what they are talking about. Today I'm talking back at them with Dance, and with words I've picked up here and there.

I have chosen to speak through mockery dance*, a tradition still very much alive all over West Africa, which allows one to joke about oneself without sparing others. As our poet-president Senghor has said : "Africa brings the world laughter!"

My weapon, my ferry is Dance, blessed by the ancestral gods of my people. I dance beyond the words and evils of this world in hope for my damaged Africas and in defence of my own joyous interest. "


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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