SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Exhibition | Stone Town, Zanzibar

From thursday 19 to sunday 22 june 2014

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv

With this creation on three screens, Christine Coulange achieves a long-term multimedia work: five years of travel, sound recording, sound and images composition while following musicians, rites and ceremonies in the deserts and the villages, in the islands and the cities all along this big geographic arc which joins up the Mediterranean sea and the Indian Ocean.

It is long journey across the Spice Road, a wide crossing full of sonorous images, rhythms from Egypt to Laos and Malaysia, through Tanzania, Kenya, the Comoros and Zanzibar. We follow the vital lead of rituals, rare and powerful, overwhelming landscapes, every day's life details… Eyes and ears open to actions and rhythms, to collective ritual practice, to body language, to echoing threnodies, Sisygambis sew together traditional music and surrounding sounds to their own electronic compositions.

Transported by trance music and seams from ancestral and contemporary cultures, the film makers-composers want to transmit through musical and visual sampling the power of gestures, the singularity of ordinary and extraordinary voices, the strength and the beauty of men and women at the other end of our common world.

Information / Venue

From 9.30am on 19 June to 6pm on 22 June, free entrance.


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of