SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

The Nairobi Performance Series – March Edition

© Nairobi Now
Genre : Performance | Nairobi

Friday 27 march 2015

Times : 00:00
Contact details : GOETHE INSTITUT
Principal country concerned : Column : Dance

The Nairobi Performance Series is a production platform that aims to support new productions and cross-disciplinary working methods. The series will be held four times a year, each edition showcasing new works. The series is a model about responding, innovating and creating new contexts for quality artistic dance production.

The Nairobi Performance Series provides an opportunity for the performers and creators to develop new ideas, pursue local and international collaborative projects and build on their collective skills and experience to find new working modes in an ever changing environment of technology. The series aims to bring together multiple dance artists and participants who work in diverse art forms or contexts.

Information / Venue

Time: 6 pm
Admission: Free

Maendeleo House - Monrovia Street
Nairobi ( -- )


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of