SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ceddo (aka The Outsiders)

  • Ceddo
Genre : Historical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 1976
Format : Feature
Running time : 120 (in minutes)

Drama chronicling the political and religious squabbling within an African kingdom, where the conflict between followers of Christianity, Islam and the kingdom's own religion is exacerbated by the kidnapping of the king's daughter. Banned in Senegal on an absurd technicality, Ceddo, Sembene's most ambitious film, uses the story of a beautiful princess's kidnapping to examine the confrontation between opposing cultural forces: Muslim expansion, Christianity, and the slave trade. The "Ceddo" - or feudal class of common people - cling desperately to their customs and their fetishistic religion amidst the impending changes. Nominally set in the nineteenth century, Ceddo ranges far and wide to include philosophy, fantasy, militant politics, and a couple of electrifying leaps across the centuries to evoke the whole of the African experience. A film by Ousmane Sembene Senegal, 1976, Fiction, 35mm, color, 120 min. starring Tabara N'diaye, Ismaila Diagne, Moustapha Yade Release date: 1976 Country: Senegal Format: 35mm Film Length: 10552 Feet Run time: 117.0 mins. Colour/Black and White: Colour Sound/Silent: Sound Language: Wolof with English subtitles First screened in 1984 in Senegal : it was banned in 1976 by President Senghor. CAST Princess Dior Yacine: Tabara NDIAYE [kidnapper]: Ismaila DIAGNE Madior Fatim Fall: Moustapha YADE ceddo (outsider): Mumurtoo N'DIAYE DIAGNE Farba Diogomay: Ousmane CAMARA Saxewar: Nar SÈNE King: Makhourédia GUÈYE Prince Biram : Mamadou DIOUM Jaraaf: Oumar GUÈYE Mamadou SY Samba TOURÉ Alioune FALL Serigne NDIAYE Pierre ORMA, Eloi COLY, Marek TOLLIK, Clarice DIOP, Fan NDANG, Mody GUÈYE, Raymond HERMANTIER, [ceddo renamed Ibrahima] : Ousmane SEMBÈNE, [imam] : GOURE Director: Ousmane SEMBÈNE, Screenplay: SEMBÈNE Ousmane Cinematography: Georges CARISTAN Editor: Florence EYMON, Editor: Dominique BLAIN Art Director: Alpha W. DIALLO, Music: Manu DIBANGO, Production Supervisor: Robert LOKO, Production Co-ordinator: Ibrahima BARRO, Production Co-ordinator: Mamadou GUÈYE, Production Co-ordinator: El Hadji THIAM, Production Manager: Paulin VIEYRA, Production Manager: Ibrahima BARRO, Production Manager: Mamadou GUÈYE, Production Manager: El Hadji THIAM, Assistant Director: Moussa Yoro BATHILY, Assistant Director: Ousmane William MBAYE, Script Supervisor: Merri SANÉ, Camera Operator: Orlando LOPEZ, Camera Operator: Bara DIOKHANÉ, Camera Operator: Seydina O. GAYE, Electrician: Chérif DIA Electrician: Moussa AIDARA, Music Recording: Julien JOUGA, Sound Recording: El Hadji MBOW, Sound Recording: Moustapha GUÈYE, Subtitles: Carrie Dailey SEMBÈNE Production Secretary: Fatima DIAW, Religious Adviser: Imam EL HADJI Abdoulaye SARR, Religious Adviser: Henri GRAVRAND, Production Company: Filmi Doomireew


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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