SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Children of the dance (The)

  • Enfants de la danse (Les)
© CNRS Images
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1970
Format : Short
Running time : 11 (in minutes)

In the Central African Republic, young Gbaya initiates, called Be-ndele, perform the dances they have learned during their initiation.

Authors : Geneviève DOURNON (Dép, Ethnomusicologie, Mus, Homme, Paris); Simha AROM (LACITO, UPR CNRS, Paris)
Directors : Geneviève DOURNON, Simha AROM

Production: Producer : CNRS

Date of production : 1970
Duration : 00:11:00
Color : Couleur
Sound : Sonore
Public : Large audience, Specialised audience
Original Support : 16 mm Film
Delivery support : 16 mm Film, DVD, Beta SP
Version : French
Audiovisual process : Prises de vues réelles.
Commentaire voix off. Musique et chants.

Distribution (CNRS Images) :
Lending, Sale (private use),
Sale (institutions use)

Discipline : Ethnology Africa, Music and dance
Places : Central African Republic
Keywords : Gbaya ; Mime show ; Ritual dance ; Initiation of boys

Date of broadcasting :
1995-05-00 (Planète câble)


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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