SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Disgrace (The)

  • Disgrâce
Genre : Political
Type : Fiction
Ouvrage source : Disgrâce
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Feature
Running time : 118 (in minutes)

Director: Steve Jacobs

Intérpretes: John Malkovich, Jessica Haines, Eriq Ebouaney, Fiona Press

Fecha de estreno en España: 31 de julio 2009


Set in Cape Town (South Africa), a twice-divorced literature professor retreats to his daughter's farm after having an impulsive affair with a student.
In modern day, post-apartheid South Africa. David Lurie, a twice-divorced professor at a Cape Town technical university, is fi red from his job for a passionate but brief affair with a student who is ambivalent about his embraces. This ‘disgrace' causes him to retreat to his daughter Lucie's isolated farm in the east. Although they rarely see eye-to-eye, the tentative emotional truce between errant father and daughter soon gives way to a more peaceful rural life… until it is ripped apart by a traumatic and violent attack which forces them both to re-evaluate their beliefs.

Australia 2008, English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu with English subtitles, 35mm, 120 min (DIFF 2009, Durban)

Director: Steve Jacobs
SCREENPLAY: Anna Maria Monticelli (Based on J M Coetzee's novel)
DOP: Steve Arnold A.C.S
EDITOR: Alexandre de Franceshi
MUSIC: Graeme Koehne and Antony Partos
Cast: John Malkovich (David Lurie), Jessica Haines (Lucy), Eriq Ebouaney, Fiona Press, Antoinette Engel (Student)
PRODUCERS: Anna Maria Monticelli, Emile Sherman and Steve Jacobs
Print Source: Videovision Entertainment

Based on JM Coetzee's Booker Prize-winning novel, Disgrace tells the story of a white South African academic (John Malkovich) who, after having an affair with a young coloured student, retreats to his daughter's farm in the Eastern Cape. There he gets caught up in the mire of postapartheid complexity and, one day, he and his daughter are brutally attacked in their home by three teenagers. The event changes their lives and relationships with each other forever and leads the fi lm's protagonist to examine and reestablish
his approach to life.
With Coetzee's novel a fi rm foundation for the film's brilliant script, the fi lm examines the circle of crime and revenge, while exploring notions of responsibility and forgiveness. With great performances from John Malkovich, Eriq Ebouaney and Jessica Haines, Disgrace is a portrait both of a nation and a solitary man trying to come to terms with his failings. Set against an implacable South African landscape, the fi lm is a rare example of great genius surviving the transition from novel to moving image without literary or artistic compromise.

DIFF 2009 - Durban

John Malkovich, Eric Ebouaney, Jessica Haines, Antoinette Engel, Fiona Press, Scott Cooper, Charles Tertiens, Monroe Reimers.

Country: Australia

Genre: Adaptation, Foreign, Political, Drama

Director: Steve Jacobs
Producer: Anna-Maria Monticelli, Emile Sherman, Steve Jacobs

Actor Role
John Malkovich David Lurie
Jessica Haines Lucy
Eriq Ebouaney
Fiona Press
Antoinette Engel Student
Natalie Becker

Disgrace__ Production Company
Sherman Pictures (AUS)__ Production Company
Wild Strawberries Productions__ Production Company

Fortissimo Films__ Foreign Distribution Sales

Dendy Films__ Foreign Distribution Rights
Gutek Film Sp. z o.o.__ Foreign Distribution Rights
Maximum Films International__ Foreign Distribution Rights

A-Film Distribution (Netherlands)__ Foreign Theatrical Distributor
Svensk Filmindustri (SF)__ Foreign Theatrical Distributor
Icon Entertainment International__ Foreign Theatrical Distributor
Svensk Filmindustri Norway__ Foreign Theatrical Distributor

Film Finance Corporation Australia (FFC)__ Film Financier
New South Wales Film & Television Office__ Film Financier
South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC)__ Film Financier


2008 | Toronto International Film Festival | TORONTO, Canada | September 4-13, 2008
* Special Presentation
Winner: The Prize of the International Critics (FIPRESCI)

2008 | Pusan International Film Festival (World Cinema) | October 2-10, 2008
* Selected


6 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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