SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Héritage [real: Yolande Zintsem]

  • Héritage [real: Yolande Zintsem]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Short

Wazy Norma, a young woman of 30, is the sole heir of her father who bequeathed everything to her on his death on a testamentary writing, to which her uncles are totally opposed. Faced with this situation, she desperately seeks help from the traditional chief to assert her rights. But the latter denies any right to inheritance to the woman. Violently evicted from her properties by her family, she finds refuge with Minko'o, also a victim of the same injustice. Under the leadership of Minko'o, Wazy Norma will launch into the battle against his uncles. Will she succeed? By what means ?

A film by Yolande WELIMOUM

with Carine Ezembe, Gérard Essomba, Jacobin Yarro, Issa Yinkou

Cameroon, 2016, Fiction, short film

Director: Yolande Welimoum A Zintsem
ScreenWriter: Yolande Welimoum A Zintsem

Operation'10 jours pour un film"

with the support of
- Goethe-Institut Kamerun
- KfW
- Festival "Écrans Noirs"
- FilmArch

2017 / 13è Rencontres du Films Court de Yaoundé (RIFIC) (Cameroon) / 28 Oct to 04 Nov 2017
- RIFIC Grand Prize
- Best Actress Award : to Carine Ezembe

2017 / 2nd Festival international du court métrage d'Afrique centrale (Yaounde, Cameroon). 17-20 October 2017
- Best Narrative Award

2018 / 3rd Festival Films Femmes Afrique / 16 - 23 Feb 2018 (Dakar, Senegal)
- Selection
Filmmaker Yolande Welimoum A Zintsem in attendance

2016 / 20th "Écrans Noirs" Film Festival / 15 - 23 July 2016 (Yaounde, Cameroon)
- World Premiere
- Nominee

2016 / Screenplay Contest (Short films) - Against Violence based upon gender ("Le Genre en Action / Gender in Action")
- 3rd Screenplay Prize (among 26 scripts received): One million FCFA, for production support
Organization: Festival "Écrans Noirs" in association with Goethe- Institut Kamerun, in partnership with GIZ and KfW.


2 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of