SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

In pieces

  • Fragments - أشلاء
Type : Documentary
Original title : Ashlaa
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 91 (in minutes)

A deeply personal and intimate portrait of family life.
Celebrated independent film maker Hakim Belabbes is a DIFF regular; this year he returns with a deeply personal portrait of his Moroccan extended family, using footage collected over the past ten years at family gatherings, taking in the most intimate, key moments in their lives. In different chapters, Belabbes blends images, footage and conversations, ranging from the oldest to the youngest members of his family. This is a warm, poetic diary of family life, generously shared by a director who is simultaneously dedicated to his family and friends and the overwhelming power of the image.

Morocco/2009/Arabic, French dialogue with English subtitles/Colour/DigiBeta/91 mins
Directed by: Hakim Belabbes

Contains: Adult Themes and References (12+)

2009 | DIFF, Dubai
* Muhr Arabic Documentary


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of