SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Inch'Allah dimanche

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2001
Format : Feature
Running time : 98 (in minutes)

In 1974, at the time of family reunification, Zouina, a beautiful Maghrebi woman in her thirties, arrived from her native Algeria with her three children to settle in Saint-Quentin, in Picardy, under the close supervision of her mother-in-law Aïcha. She comes to join Ahmed, her husband, from whom she has been living apart for ten years and whom she considers almost a stranger. He is a specialized worker in a textile factory. Zouina shares her yard with a retired couple. The arrival of this family is a real disaster for Mr. and Mrs. Donze and hostilities soon break out. Director: Yamina Benguigui Scriptwriter: Yamina Benguigui Producer: Philippe Dupuis-Mendel Production: ARP Sélection (France), Bandits Longs (France) Distribution : ARP Selection (France) Actors Fejria DELIBA ___ Zouina Zinedine SOUALEM___ Ahmed Marie-France PISIER___ Ms. Manant Amina ANNABI (known as AMINA)___ Malika Rabia MOKEDDEM___ Aïcha Anass BEHRI___ Ali Mathilde SEIGNER___ Ms. Briat Jalil LESPERT___ The bus driver Hamza DUBUIH___ Rachid Roger DUMAS (II)___ Mr. Donze France DARRY___ Mrs. Donze Alexandre CARRIERE Mohammed FELLAG Aude THIRION Director of photography : Antoine Roch Monteuse : Nadia Ben Rachid Chief decorator : Marc Marmie


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  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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