SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Leçon de choses

  • Leçon de choses
Genre : Social
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1996
Format : Short
Running time : 14 (in minutes)

Carole is going to start teaching next fall. A film crew appeared by magic and offered to be her first audience. Carole calls on a translator who does not really translate. About the gap between different imaginations...

Director : Fatma-Zohra Zamoum Scriptwriter : Fatma-Zohra Zamoum Actors : Carole Halimi, Malika Kadri, Matheo Pasteur, Nicolas Papillon, Esmail Vahadi Choganlou Director of photography : Patrick Thierry Sound mixer : Hocine Berrefane Film editor : Jean-Claude Durand Sound editor : Jean-Claude Durand Production designer : Pascale Labyt Music Composers : Izumal (Groupe), Arezki Baroudi Costume designer : Nadyne Pasteur Special effects : Jean-Claude Durand Technical details Short film, Fiction, Legend, Ethnography, Immigration Production language : French, Arabic Nationality : 100% French Production year : 1996 Running time : 14min Production: Beta SP Screening format : Beta SP Color type : Color Aspect ratio : 4/3 Sound format : Stereo


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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