1 files
Margaret Garner, a black slave, is separated from her husband by her white master who makes her his mistress. In 1856, she flees Kentucky with her family, but is recaptured in Ohio. Her husband is hanged and Margaret Garner makes the terrifying decision to kill her own children rather than to see them return to the bonds of slavery. This film follows the singer who portrays Margaret, Denyce Graves, and explores the problem of race relations in the United States through this production and the story of its main character. Centered on the production log of a "black" opera and the problems inherent in the project, the film looks back at a tragic episode of American history and juxtaposes it with the experiences of its main singers.
Director: Mustapha Hasnaoui
Writer: Mustapha Hasnaoui
Camera: Gilles Picard, Eric Longs, Beth Flowler, Thomas Sady
Sound: Julien Ngo-Trong
Editing: Stéphane Huter, Mustapha Hasnaoui
Music: Richard Daniel, sur un livret de Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison
David Di Chiera
Denyse Graves
Greg Baker
Angela Brown
Rodbey Gilfry
John MacMaster
Kelly Kaduce
Jonathan Boyd
Roger Honeywell
Producer :
Laurence Uebersfeld
Production :
La Huit Production
Co-Production :
Cityzen TV
Co-Production :
La Huit Distribution
Format: DV Cam - 16/9. Colour
Running time: 55 min
Year of production: 2006
France/2006/Betacam/colour/52 min/french
FIPA 2007, France
* Selection (Section: Performing Arts)
25th FIFA 2007 | 25th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF FILMS ON ART | Montréal, Canada | March 8-18, 2007
* Won Special Mention