SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Other City (The)

  • Autre Ville (L') | Otra Ciudad (La)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Otra Ciudad (La)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 88 (in minutes)

Two youths meet at a crucial moment in their lives. Paco is 16, of modest background and is seeking his way in an underprivileged domestic and social milieu. He lives in a housing project with his jobless, alcoholic father and violent drug dealer brother. His only positive references in this hostile environment are his sister whom he defends against his big brother and a highly concerned teacher who tries to encourage the good student in him. Nadia is a Moroccan-born teenager who wants to go to the university. But her father and brother want to restrict her future to being a wife and forbid here. When Nadia and Paco meet there is a flash of hope, even if many obstacles lay ahead.

Director : Sílvia Quer Sabaté
Script : Ángeles González-Sinde
based on : Pablo Aranda
Camera : Juan Carlos Lausin
Sound : Elena Coderch
Sets : Oriol Puig
Editing : Frank Gutiérrez
Music : Miki Forteza
Cast : Tristán Ulloa, Sergi Anguera, Aida Oset

Production : Factotum Barcelona,
Passatge Masoliver, 2,
08005 Barcelone, Spain
Tel: +34 9 3320 8445
Fax: +34 9 3320 8680
E-mail: factotum@factotum.es

Sales : Stephanie Von Lukowicz
Factotum Barcelona,
Stephanie Von Lukowicz,
Passatge Masoliver, 2,
08005 Barcelone, Spain
Tel: +34 9 3320 8445
Fax: +34 9 3320 8680
E-mail: stephanie@factotum.es

Format: Super 16. Colour
Running time: 1 h 28 mn
Year of production: 2008

2009 | FIPA | BIARRITZ, Spain | 20th-25th January 2009 | www.fipa.tm.fr
* Competitive Selection 2009 [Drama]


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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