SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Pieces of lives, Pieces of dreams

  • Bouts de vies, Bouts de rêves - [...]
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 104 (in minutes)

Being a revolutionary does not always mean carrying a kalachnikov but witnessing "his-(s)tory"

From pieces of papers glued together, are drawn and lined up the natures of multifaceted characters. From luxury magazines exhibiting the opulence of an unreachable world, are exposed figures who have broken and changed History. From goods which promote a dream of extreme consumption, are brought to light the dreams and the ideal of a whole people.

This is not a subject about the class struggle, but a way to highlight a paradox between a South fighting for food and a North avid for expansion. This is not a subject about a technical curiosity of an original artist but how to highlight the comments and the concern of a "his-(s)tory" conscious citizen.

This is not a subject about diverting views but a reminder of comfortably forgotten stories. This is not a subject about an artist with demands but gathered pieces of demands from men and women who choose to make their dreams true.

Documentary, 100mn, French/ English and French subtitles, color 4/3 video

Directed and edited by Hamid Benamra

Music: Guem, Miriam Makeba, Cheikh Imam

with Mustapha Boutadjine, Henri Alleg, Miriam Makeba, Tommie Smith, Angela Davis, Abraham Serfati, Adonis, Mahmoud Darwich, Yolla Khalife, Bertrand Tavernier, Frederic Miterrand, Djibril Diop Mambety, Guem, Aleida Guevara March, Sid Ahmed Agoumi, Patrick Rotman, Jean Ristat, Farida Belyazid, Assia Djebar, Georges Bahgory, Robert Meeropol, Rashid Mimouni, Rashid Masharawi, Joe Coco, Assia Guemra, Aziz Degga, Brahim Rezzoug, Mohamed Aksouh..



انطلاقا من قطع أوراق ضمّ بعضها إلى بعض تتشكّل خصائص شخصيّات متعدّدة الأوجه. وعبر المجلاّت الراقية التي تظهر رخاء عالم منيع، نعرّي وجوها حطّمت أبواب التاريخ. وعبر المنتجات التي تنقل حلم استهلاك مفرط، تضاء أحلام شعب بأسره

الجزائر 2012

بالألوان: وثائقيّ بالألوان 102

الإخراج : حميد بن عمرة

السيناريو : حميد بن عمرة

التصوير : حميد بن عمرة

الصوت : حميد بن عمرة

الموسيقى : غويم

التركيب : حميد بن عمرة

التمثيل : مصطفي بوطاجين-هنري علاّق-ميريام ماكيبا-تومي سميث-أنجلا دافيس-ابراهام سرفاتي-أدوني

إنتاج : نون فيلم


1 files


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of