SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Secret d'Omi Mouna (Le)

  • Secret d'Omi Mouna (Le)
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Short
Running time : 25 (in minutes)

A man attempts to work his way toward the source of the violence he suffered in his youth at the hands of his father.
He fears he may have inherited this violence within himself. Thus ensues an encounter with Omi Mouna, the man's 100-year-old great-grandmother, who holds the scars of this tale hidden in the fog of her memory.

Un film de Mohsen El Gharbi

Tunisia / Canada | 2016 | short documentary | 25:11 min | OV FR subtitles - Original version in French and Tunisian Arabic - English subtitles (French subtitles available)

Written and directed by : Mohsen El Gharbi

Producer : Mohsen El Gharbi et Xavier Van Den Dooren

Original Music : Moustapha Ben Messaoud

Adviser, directing and screenwritin : Bachir Bensaddek

Artistic advisers : Patrick Cady

Images and sound : Xavier Van Den Dooren

Editing : Mohsen El Gharbi

Voice-over recording : Yecine Meliani

Sound mixing : Francis Gauthier

English translation : Joan Mc Cordick

Production : tükabe et XVDD Production

Coproduction : SN-Production

Generous coproducer : Chiheb Hasnaoui

With the generous support of: Wided Ajmi, Maurice Arsenault, Tetchena Bellange, Karim Ben Boubaker, Imen Ben Jemia, Bachir Bensaddek, Rachida Benslimane, Dalal Benyahya, Nadia Bini, Lilia Boujbel, Patrick Cady, Marie Cantin, Luc-Martial Dagenais, Pierre Delatte, Roxanne Ducharme, Véronique Fabry, Mohamed Fathallah, Khadija Gaha, Mohamed Gaouaoui, Pascal Gélinas, Britta Hauswirth, Feriel Laatar, Amine Lahabib, Mylène Laperrière, Denis LaRocque, Maxime Le Flaguais, Anne-Catherine Lebeau, Mathieu Leblanc, Lassaad Majoul, Silvio Orvieto, Zeineb Ouni, Jean-Marie Papapietro, Thérèsse Perreault, Corinne Raes, Nadia Riguigui, Danielle St-Marie, Rachel Verdon, Sonia Vigneault, Christine Wilmart.

Heartfelt thanks to Hajer Tebini, Patrick Cady, Bachir Bensaddek, Sara Nacer, Geoffroy Beauchemin, Alexis Landriault of Main Film, Hélène deBlois, Zach Frazer, Richard Lemire & Main Film.


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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