Jimmy remembers about his French teacher talking about Paris at school. He succeeded to go there after facing many difficulties. There, he found love and after, a split. Then, he will give hiself over to drug, split. Then, he will give hiself over to drug… with AIDS on his way.
According to medical terminology, Jimmy is a "PLWAIDS", a person living with the AIDS virus. But he is first a man who, every day, fights against discrimination and the stigma of being ill. He educates the people in his neighborhood, and urges them to spend more time with those who are sick. Through this portrait of Jimy, this documentary gives us a close look at Tunisian society, its perception and understanding of this disease and social standards, and invites us to break certain taboos - to begin with the one of talking openly about it.
Documentaire - Couleur - 63'
Réalisation / Direction : Karim Souaki
Scénario / Screenplay : Karim Souaki
Image / Director of Photography : Medhi Bouhlel,
Amen Gharbi
Son / Sound : Aymen Sèhli
Musique / Music : Jimmy
Montage / Editing : Ala Eddine Slim
Interprétation / Cast : Ali Hassan Halidi, Asthadina Msa Soilihi