SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


© Arnaud Contreras / Le Pacte
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Timbuktu, Le Chagrin Des Oiseaux
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Feature
Running time : 97 (in minutes)

TIMBUKTU - A. Sissako - Extrait 1 La Mosquée VOSTFR from Africiné www.africine.org on Vimeo.

Not far from Timbuktu, now ruled by the religious fundamentalists, Kidane lives peacefully in the dunes with his wife Satima, his daughter Toya, and Issan, their twelve-year-old shepherd.

In town, the people suffer, powerless, from the regime of terror imposed by the Jihadists determined to control their faith. Music, laughter, cigarettes, even soccer have been banned. The women have become shadows but resist with dignity. Every day, the new improvised courts issue tragic and absurd sentences.

Kidane and his family are being spared the chaos that prevails in Timbuktu. But their destiny changes when Kidane accidentally kills Amadou, the fisherman who slaughtered "GPS", his beloved cow. He now has to face the new laws of the foreign occupants.

A film by Abderrahmane Sissako,

2014, France / Mali, Feature narrative, 1hr40mins, drama

starring Ahmed Ibrahim alias Pino, Toulou Kiki, Abel Jafri, Hichem Yacoubi, Kettly Noël, Fatoumata Diawara

CESAR 2015: 7 César (Feb 20, 2015, Théâtre du Chatelet, Paris)
(Best Sound - Meilleurs Ingénieurs du Son) : Philippe Welsh, Roman Dymny & Thierry Delor.
(Best DOP - Meilleur Directeur de la Photo) : Sofian EL FANI
(Best Music) : Amine Bouhafa
(Best Script - Meilleur Scénario) : Kessen Tall & Abderrahmane Sissako
(Best Editing - Meilleur Montage) : Nadia Ben Rachid
(Best Direction) : Abderrahmane Sissako
(Best film): Abderrahmane Sissako, produced by Sylvie Pialat.



Tragisch genoeg wordt deze fraaie film met de dag actueler. Bijna alles is hier mooi, van de locaties tot de traditionele kostuums, maar het verhaal is een van de drama's van onze tijd: fanatieke vreemdelingen ontwrichten het leven van een nomadische gemeenschap aan de rand van de woestijn. De woestijn wordt een ongewilde metafoor.

Regisseur: Abderrahmane Sissako

2014, Frankrijk / Mauritanië, 97 min


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Timbuktu - VOST

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TIMBUKTU - A. Sissako - Extrait 1 La Mosquée VOSTFR

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TIMBUKTU - A. Sissako - Extrait 3 Les Cheveux VOSTFR

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TIMBUKTU - A. Sissako - Extrait 2 La Poissonnière VOSTFR

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TIMBUKTU - A. Sissako - Extrait 4 Les Pecheurs VOSTFR



  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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