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Kamel Raoui, a young police detective, has to investigate on the murder of Hakim Tahiri, a drug runner in Tanger. Touria, Kamel's employee and lover, is a serious suspect. During her questioning, Kamel has Touria's brother, Pipo, as a guest. The young boy is very ill. When she comes out, she meets them at Kamel's, who can see how much she loves her brother, this young asexual angel, disfigured, and doomed.
With: ORAHHOU, Nouraddin ; AZABAL, Lubna ; MOUSSOUNE, Hicham ; NOOR ; Majd, Mohamed ; TOUSI, Hammadi
Director and script: AYOUCH, Nabil
Production: Arte (France) ; BC Films (France) ; Alin'Productions (Maroc) ; GMT Productions
DOP Camera: DAVID, Joël
Editing: ZAMBERNARDI, Vanessa
5 files