SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Arterial Network : training programme in building national advocacy networks

Genre : Training/workshops
Principal country concerned : Column : History/society
Release/publication date : March 2010
Published on : 03/02/2010
Contact by email

The second Arterial Network training programme in building national advocacy networks will take place from 10-20 April, most likely in a country north of Southern Africa. The first networking "winter school" was held in Cape Town and the next two - again supported by the European Union and HIVOS - will each be held in a different region.

Given the conference decision to build national networks to - among others - lobby for civil society involvement in the implementation of the Nairobi Plan of Action on Cultural Industries, these training sessions are crucial to the development of national artists' networks.

Those interested in attending should send applications by mail
by 19 February 2010 and should include a letter motivating why they should attend and how the training programme will benefit the establishment or consolidation of a national network in their country. The application should also include a CV and letters of reference of two persons affirming the applicant's involvement in artists' networks in their country.


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of