SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

CALL FOR ENTRIES of MIS ME BINGA International Women's Films Festival

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details MIS ME BINGA Festival International de Films de Femmes BP 1.067, GOETHE-INSTITUT Kamerun Bastos, Yaoundé (Cameroun) +237 79 90 85 02 / 77 72 90 78
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : June 2011
Published on : 06/07/2011
Contact by email

Missions and objectives
The International Women's Films Festival called MIS ME BINGA, promotes each year, a selection of documentaries and dramas made by women. Each screening is followed by a discussion with the audience. The Mis Me Binga women's films festival is now the most important cultural event in Cameroon, which offers a real platform for exchange, meeting and discussion to women artist from around the world.
How to register?
We encourage women Filmmaker to complete our registration form, available at: mismebinga@gmail.com

Each film will be sent carefully watched by a committee of visionage. We will contact you if selected to receive a copy of screening. Registration for the festival is free. No viewing copy will be returned, even if the film is not selected. We do not send rejection letter, nor provide an explanation of the reasons for non selection. We will contact directly the directors whose films have been selected.
Limit for registration

.* The festival program fictions and documentaries (features and short films)
* The short films must be a maximum of 26 minutes (For Fictions only).
* Films must have been produced after January 1, 2010

Registration Deadline

The deadline to send us your application and a copy of your movie watching is November 30, 2011
Thank you in advance for your interest and your participation in our Festival!


1 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

With the support of