SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ery Claver

  • Ery Claver
© courtesy Geração 80
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Angolan Film Director, Screenwriter and Director of Photography.

Ery CLAVER is a Film Director, Screenwriter and Director of Photography.

He is known for "Concrete Affection - Zopo Lady" (2014, Director of Photography), "Havemos de Voltar" (2017, Director of Photography), "Lucy in the Sky with Traffic Lights" (2018, Co-Director), "Enóquio que não tinha coração" (2020, Co-Director), "Air Conditioner" (2019, Co-Screenwriter / Director of Photography), "Our Lady of the Chinese Shop" (2022, Screenwriter / Director).

Born in Luanda (Angola), in 1986, Ery CLAVER is one of the most versatile filmmakers in Angola. He began his career as a cameraman, working on numerous television programs and documentaries. In 2013 he joined the collective Geração 80 and deepened his style as Director of Photography working on the short films "Concrete Affection - Zopo Lady" (2014), and "Havemos de Voltar" (2017), both directed by Kiluanji Kia Henda.
As a director he has signed several short films, most notably "Lucy in the Sky with Traffic Lights" (2018) in partnership with Gretel Marín and "Enóquio que não tinha coração" (2020) in partnership with his brother, Evan Clever.
Ery has had his work screened at several international festivals, most notably the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, in France, VIDEOEX - International Experimental Film and Video Festival, in Zurich, and FCAT - African Film Festival, in the cities of Tarifa and Tangier. In 2019, Ery went on to co-write and do the direction of photography of the award winning Angolan film "Air Conditioner", directed by Fradique. In 2022, he released his first feature film "Nossa Senhora da Loja do Chinês (Our Lady of the Chinese Shop)", as director.

"Our Lady of the Chinese Shop", PRESSKIT
Updated by Thierno Dia, on 25 Nov 2022.



Nascido em Luanda, em 1986, Ery Claver é um dos mais versáteis profissionais do mercado audiovisual angolano.

Ery Claver é um dos cineastas mais versáteis em Angola. Iniciou sua carreira como operador de câmera, trabalhando em inúmeros programas de televisão e documentários. Em 2013 ingressou na Geração 80 e aprofundou seu estilo como Diretor de Fotografia trabalhando nas curtas-metragem "Concrete Affection - Zopo Lady" (2014), e "Havemos de Voltar" (2017), ambas realizadas por Kiluanji Kia Henda e com produção Geração 80.

Enquanto realizador assina várias curtas metragens, com destaque para "Lúcia no Céu com Semáforos" (2018) em parceria com Gretel Marín e "Enóquio que não tinha coração" (2020) em parceria com o irmão, Evan Cléver. Ery já teve o trabalho exibido em diversos festivais internacionais, com destaque para o Festival Internacional de Curta-Metragem de Clermont-Ferrand, na França, o VIDEOEX - International Experimental Film and Video Festival, em Zurique e o FCAT - Festival de Cinema Africano, nas cidades de Tarifa eTânger.

Ery assina a Direção de Fotografia de "Ar Condicionado" (2020), filme premiado internacionalmente. Em 2022 realiza sua primeira longa metragem, "Nossa Senhora da Loja do Chinês".



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8 files


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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