SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Joseph Bale

Joseph Bale
© Creative Vision

Joseph started acting in school where he performed in numerous school productions. At this point Joseph was marinating in his newly found passion.
He moved into his first movie role when he played the extra in "Heritage".

Over the years this streetwise man has operated in a number of businesses that he started yet his love for acting has kept him coming back to the world of on screen life. His role as stand in for Don Cheadle in the Oscar nominated "Hotel Rwanda" put his career on the map. After which he landed roles in a number of South African soapies and dramas where he has occupied featured roles.

His expertise varies from stuntman to bachelor and numerous television adverts. Yet his convincing performance in the "Mamtsotsi Bird" is a clear illustration of this man's capabilities.


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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