SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Khaled Hafez

Khaled Hafez
Film director, Fine artist
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Design

Egyptian artist Khaled Hafez was born in 1961 in Cairo where he is currently based. From 1981 until 1990 he attended evening classes at the Cairo Fine Arts Institute while studying medicine. He later graduated from the MFA New Media school at the Transart Institute / Danube University Krems, Austria. His work is featured in the public collections of the Saatchi Collection, London, UK ; MuHKA Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, Belgium, Ars Aevi Museum of Contemporary Art, Sarajevo, Bosnia, and the Mali National Museum, Bamako, Mali.

He is represented by various art galleries, such as Galerie Caprice Horn, Berlin, Germany ; Al Massar Gallery, Cairo, Egypte ; Galleria San Carlo, Milan, Italy. His work has been presented in international group shows, including but not limited to: Tarjamah / Translation, Queens Museum, New York, USA, 2009 ; Deconstructing Myths & Reality, Galerie Caprice Horn, Berlin, Germany, 2009 ; Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK ; Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art, China, 2008 ; Trilogie Méditerranéenne, Palais des Arts, Marseille, France, 2008 ; Gates of the Mediterranean, Palazzo Piozzo, Rivoli, Turin, Italy, 2008 ; Contact Zone, Bamako Museum of Art, Bamako, Mali 2007 ; The Present Out of the Past Millennia, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany, 2007 ; This Day, Tate Modern, London, UK, 2007; Sharjah Biennial, UAE, 2007.

Revolution (2006) [DVD : RESISTANCE[S] III]
The a77a Project (On Presidents and Superheroes) (2009) [DVD : IN/FLUX - Mediatrips from the African World]


Der ägyptische Künstler Khaled Hafez wurde 1961 in Kairo geboren und lebt und arbeitet dort. Zwischen 1981 und 1990 belegte er neben seinem Medizinstudium Kurse an der Kunsthochschule Kairo. Anschließend erwarb er ein Diplom im Bereich Neue Medien am TransArt Institut der Donau Universität Krems, Österreich. Seine Arbeiten befinden sich in mehreren öffentlichen Kollektionen, so der Saatchi Collection, London, England ; dem MuHKA Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Antwerpen, Belgien; Ars Aevi Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Sarajevo, Bosnien und dem National Museum Mali, Bamako, Mali. Khaled Hafez wird von verschiedenen Galerien vertreten, so der Galerie Caprice Horn, Berlin, Deutschland ; Al Massar Gallery, Kairo, Ägypten ; Galleria San Carlo, Mailand, Italien. Seine Arbeiten waren auf zahlreichen internationalen Gruppenausstellungen zu sehen, unter anderem: Tarjamah/Translation, Queens Museum, New York, USA, 2009 ; Deconstructing Myths & Reality, Galerie Caprice Horn, Berlin, Deutschland, 2009 ; Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK ; Guangzhou Triennale, Guangdong Museum of Art, China, 2008 ; Trilogie Méditerranéenne, Palais des Arts, Marseille, Frankreich, 2008 ; Gates of the Mediterranean, Palazzo Piozzo, Rivoli, Turin, Italien, 2008 ; Contact Zone, Bamako Museum of Art, Bamako, Mali 2007 ; The Present Out of the Past Millennia, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Deutschland, 2007 ; This Day, Tate Modern, London, UK, 2007; Sharjah Biennale, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, 2007.


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  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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