Mo was born in Boston, Massachusetts and grew up immersed in a multi-cultural extended family of great story tellers in suburban Massachusetts. In high school, Mo travelled to Russia and filmed and interviewed survivors of Stalin's purges throughout the country. She returned to Russia again the summer before her sophomore year in college to continue this work. Interviewing people in Russia who had endured great suffering and survived acts of terrible violence, as well as those who committed acts of violence and perpetuated great suffering, had a profound effect on Mo's world view. Her sense of how complicated and tenacious humanity is grew with her passion for education through the medium of film, making rarely heard stories more accessible. In college she created a documentary entitled "Our Story" about the shared experience of humanity that compared the powerful and parallel experiences of two women who overcame two very different kinds of suffering: political oppression under Stalin and the personal struggle of difficult childhood in rural New England. She also made two short films that creatively retold and reexamined the characters in Alexander Pushkin's "The Stationmaster" and Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita". Through film making she continues to explore common threads of the human experience despite cultural, linguistic and religious differences. Upon graduating, Mo co-founded Sol Productions, a non-profit film company, and, together with her two film partners, explores the human spirit outside the borders of the North American United States. She has filmed the Presidential elections in Venezuela and France. Today, Mo is working on these two political documentaries: one of President Hugo Chavez's re-election in Venezuela and one of African immigrants during the recent French presidential elections.