SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Simplice Ganou

Simplice Ganou
© Thierno Dia, nov 2017, Tunis
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.), Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Burkina Faso

Burkinabese Filmmaker and screenwriter.

Simplice Herman Ganou was born in August 1974. He is director and screenwriter from Burkina Faso and worked as an educator of street children. He joined an MA in Documentary Filmmaking at the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis in Senegal in 2010.
Bakoroman (2011, doc, 62') is his first professional film. In 2017, he won the Golden Tanit at Carthage Film Festival with The Koro of Bakoro, the Survivors of Faso / Le Koro du bakoro, naufragés du Faso (doc, 78'), World Premiered in 2017 Visions du Réel FilmFest, Nyon.

Source: www.jcctunisie.org/eng/filmsDetail.php?id_film=35
updated on 15 Nov 2017, by Thierno I. Dia



ولد سمبريس هرمان قانو المخرج و كاتب السيناريو البوركيني في شهر أوت1974. عمل مربيا لأطفال الشوارع. تحصل سنة 2010 على شهادة الماجستير في إخراج الأشرطة الوثائقية من جامعة قاستون بيرجي في سان لويس بالسنغال

Source: www.jcctunisie.org/ar/filmsDetail.php?id_film=35


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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