SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Yann Collette

Yann Collette
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Activities : Actor

Latest films
It's Sunday! (2008), from Samir Guesmi [M. René]
Dante 01 (2006), from Marc Caro
The Straw Man (2006), from Nicolas Giraud
Les Mains d'Andréa (2006), from Sébastien Betbeder
Fragments of Antonin (2005), from Gabriel Le Bomin
Cri (Le) (2005), from Hervé Baslé
Imago (2004), from Aline Ahond
Shimkent Hotel (2003), from Charles Meaux (de)
Not Deeply Missed (2003), from Dominique Wittorski
Immortal (2002), from Enki Bilal


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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