SPLA : Portal de la diversidad cultural

Wilmington 10- USA 10,000

  • Wilmington 10- USA 10,000
Género : Político
Tipo : Documental
Título original :
País principal relacionado : Sección : Cine / tv
Año de la realización : 1979
Formato : Largo
Duración : 120 (en minutos)

This documentary is highly acclaimed for its timeless treatment of a case of the unjust imprisonment of nine young African-American men and a White woman who were among may in Wilmington, North Carolina who dared to speak out against political and racial injustice. Along with the participation of the "Ten themselves during their incarceration are the families, community members and other incarcerated political prisoners such as Assata Shakur. Together they draw a picture of prolonged struggle in the Black community of which the Wilmington 10 are only a contemporary component.

Couleur et N&B


1 fichas


1 fichas


  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Caracoli

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