VENUE Chatham 14 Theaters 210 W 87th St, Chicago 60620
Njinga, Queen of Angola (Njinga, Rainha de Angola), Dir. Sergio Graciano Angola. 2013. 109min. Colour. Portuguese with English subtitles.
Sept 3, 2015 Adm: $6.00 Chatham 14 210 W 87th Street
In 17th century Angola, a woman leads her kingdom in a 40-year struggle for freedom and independence. Her name is Njinga. She will be known as Queen Njinga. Born into a patriarchal society, Njinga defied tradition to become queen at the age of 50 with the aim of ensuring her people were kept safe from the Portuguese slave traders. A true story of unrivalled determination, Njinga stands today as a symbol of resistance, fully embodying the motto: "those who fight, fight to win".
Black World Cinema, a showcase of seldom seen classic features and new films from around the world.
Screenings every first Thursday of at ICE Theaters Chatham 14 210 87th Street Chicago, IL
Films followed by lively discussions on theme and content
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